Give your dog a well-balanced diet, proper exercise, training, play-time, a whole lot of love and attention, and you’ll have a dog that will live a long and healthy life! One that is free of diseases and dog parasites.
In addition, you can prevent him from catching different types of serious illnesses, disease, and dog parasites by taking basic, preventive measures. It is very important that he gets his regular vaccinations early on to lessen his vulnerabilities to diseases. You also need to keep a close eye on him, both physically, as well as his actions and behavior.
Check your dog for signs and symptoms of dog parasites every time you groom him. Common dog parasites that live on your dog’s skin are fleas, lice, and ticks. Dog parasites such as fleas can be checked by running a fine-toothed comb over your dog’s coat.
Dog lice are a little harder to detect, it is easier to spot lice eggs (nits) by looking for white, tiny dust like particles on your dog’s coat. Ticks are a type of dog parasite that is easy to see because they attach themselves to the dog’s hair and sink their mouths into the dog’s skin to suck his blood. They eventually fall off and look for another victim, although some stay on your dog and cause severe illness and irritation.
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