Summertime is the best time of the year for everyone. It is the season where you and your dog can spend most of the days outdoors and do various types of summer activities. But while you and your dog are enjoying the barbecue and the warm weather that the season brings, so too are the mosquitoes and the dog parasites that they carry with them.
Getting bit by a mosquito is annoying enough for humans. But for dogs, a mosquito bite can be more than just an itch and an annoyance. Parasite contaminated mosquitoes live in nearly all parts of the country. This dog parasite carrier is mostly abundant in the Atlantic coasts and the Gulf. The dog parasites that these mosquitoes carry are called heartworms. And unless your dog is already taking some sort of preventive care from this dog parasite, one bite from an infected mosquito, and your dog can be seriously infected from this dangerous dog parasite.
Just as the name suggests, heartworms are dog parasites that literally live in your dog's heart. Once the heartworm settles in your dog's heart, he will most likely experience coughing, weight loss, and rapid breathing. Death sometimes occurs on an extreme case of this dog parasite. Although some cats can also be infected with heartworms, dogs are usually the helpless victim of this parasite.
This dog parasite can pose a serious threat to your dog if you fail to recognize the early symptoms. Heartworms are a rather difficult condition to treat. The common drug used to get rid of the worms contain a chemical that causes serious illness and a negative reaction to the dog more than the disease itself.
If this dog parasite is detected at its early stages, then your dog will have a better likelihood of a successful treatment. It will be a lot harder to treat this dog parasite once it has reached its advanced stages of infestation. For this reason, it is very important to visit your vet at the first sign of symptoms. These symptoms include fatigue, coughing, and rapid breathing.
Many dog owners prefer a more natural and non chemical treatment to this type of dog parasite. Below are some suggestions to help prevent the infestation of heartworms.
1. If possible, give your dog an all natural raw food diet that is rich with raw garlic and a generous amount of yeast. These foods are helpful in repelling mosquitoes from the dog's skin.
2. To further minimize exposure to mosquitoes, minimize the likelihood of getting infested with this dog parasite, you should keep your dog indoors during the night. You may use a natural insect repellent when she has to go outside.
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