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Dog Supplies

Using A Scale For A Proper Dog Feeding Program


A scale is one of the dog owner's most useful pieces of equipment. Throughout a dog's life his body weight is a constant and accurate reflection of his nutritional state. By frequent weighing at regular intervals, a dog owner can keep a running check on how well he is doing his job of supplying his pet with good nourishment. In fact, with nothing more than a set of scales, a notebook, pencils, a balanced food, and a suitable container, a complete feeding program can be tailored to every dog.

In addition to weighing the dog, a dog owner also uses scales for weighing food. The simplest, yet most accurate, way for the average dog owner to measure and control the amount of food he feeds is to weigh that food. In cases where highly accurate measurements of the dog's actual intake are desired, the scales are used to weigh the food offered to the dog, then to weigh the amount of that food the dog did not eat. The difference is an accurate measurement of the amount of food that the dog did eat.

The dog owner who makes up his own diet or uses a mixture of commercial foods to make a diet must use scales to measure the exact quantity of each ingredient that goes into his ration. It is impossible to mix an adequate and balanced diet, with any consistency, without carefully weighing each ingredient added. The dog owner who neglects or refuses to utilize scales while formulating a diet is only tricking himself.

For weighing most dogs, an ordinary bathroom scales serves perfectly. Weigh yourself and record the weight. Pick up the dog and weigh yourself again, this time holding the dog and then record the weight. Subtract the first weight from the second. The difference will be the weight of the dog you were holding. If the dog you want to weigh is too large to hold comfortably, a grocery or dock scales may be needed to weigh him. For dogs that are too small to measure accurately on a bathroom scales, a regular baby scales serves quite well.

The baby scales can also be used to weigh out food portions. Even better scales for this purpose and a must for weighing newborn puppies is an Ohaus balance. For dog owners who find they have to raise many orphaned or extra pups, one of these scales that are sensitive to small changes in weight is essential to the success of the undertaking.

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